QUICK & TASTY (Rápidos y Sabrosos)

Quick & Tasty (Rápidos y Sabrosos) de Colombia S.A. is a food sector company dedicated to industrial-scale production, distribution, and commercialization of foods. It boasts a highly technified plant and excellent human talent as a fundamental pillar, providing efficient service. Founded in 2004, it offers food solutions for clients in RETAIL (modern and traditional channels), HORECA, hydrocarbons sector clients, and institutional (public and private).

Quick & Tasty has a list of clients with their own brands, including some of the most important international or national companies like Olimpica and Jumbo supermarkets, and the multinational frozen food company McCain.

Ubicación del departamento del Valle del Cauca en el mapa de Colombia

State-of-the-art production line

The company employs the best technology in thermal treatments for food preservation, such as Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) technology. The production line has a capacity of 750 kg/hr and is HACCP certified by INVIMA and SGS. In the future, the company will restructure with Organic products developed in the Macoproductos Agroindustrial Development Model in each of the raw materials and products such as: Milk, Dairy products, Cereals, Meat products, Cassava, Potato, Beans, Tomato, Plantains, Fruits, Fish fillets, Vegetables, Coffee, Cocoa, Tea, and others from the AGRICULTURE sector. Additionally, the raw materials are grown in healthy and pollution-free lands with standardized protocols that allow them to have a final product or raw materials with IMMUNE properties. The cultivation of fish will be developed in closed systems with healthy and chemical-free feeding and high genetics., to finally have healthy fish fillets.

Added Value

  1. High-end technologies with scientific investment

  2. Healthy Products

  3. Country (Colombia) as a brand

  4. Organic crops with Immune properties

  5. Standardized protocols for design, cultivation, and processes

  6. Immunological dietary supplements

  7. Protection with Region as a Brand, new product, and processes

  8. Human and environmental health

Infrastructure, Technologies, and Production Lines

To achieve our goals of equitable and ecological development, our suppliers, including both farms and plantations, must meet these criteria:
  • Having a nearby town or village with a young population that has development potential is essential for ecological development.
  • The lands must be cultivable and/or recoverable
  • There must be an ecological issue present: water pollution in lakes, desertification, mismanagement of organic and biological waste, deforestation requiring reforestation, high risk in communities due to poorly managed ecosystems, preparation of communities in ecological techniques and culture, support for vulnerable communities at an early age. These ecological issues are critical factors that necessitate attention and action in ecological development projects
  • There must be groups, associations, and/or associated communities for project engagement
  • The work environment must be safe and/or must have a presence of authorities in the region.
  • It must have access to water
  • It should have transportation means for people, raw materials, technologies, and products that allow their entry and exit.
  • Allowing for infrastructure development in rural areas, including warehouses, houses, bridges, and programs that support agritourism.
  • Allowing for the analysis of contaminating factors and/or environmental risks at an early stage and their possible solutions, security measures, and support for communities and associations.
  • Having Plan A and Plan B options for infrastructure and operations (Ecological Problems - Security due to Mines - Unproductive Regions - Lack of Human and Technical Resources).
  • Possesing studies for future products and technologies for the region to develop agro-industrial engineering, innovations, and investments protected by patents and other safeguards.
  • Having raw materials with the potential for high scientific, technological, healthy, and/or medicinal developments that contribute to social, economic, and environmental development by region and country.

Products to be marketed by Macoproductos

  • Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk

  • Semi-skimmed UHT lactose-free milk

  • Strawberry-flavored milk

  • Whole milk

  • Dulce de leche-flavored milk

  • Chocolate-flavored milk

  • Vanilla-flavored milk

  • Sweetened condensed milk

  • Pasteurized cream

  • Oat milk

Long shelf-life products
  • Beef flank steak in creole sauce

  • Creole-style beef steak

  • Goulash

  • Shredded beef

  • Chicken with rice

  • Beef meatballs in creole sauce

  • Chicken fricassee

  • Greek-style rice

  • Stewed beans

  • Plantain chips

  • Besitos (Little kisses)

  • Vanilla flavored Muffins

  • Cuca cookie

Do you want to offer your customers high-quality, nutritious, and environmentally sustainable products?

Talk to us to find out how you can start distributing our products in your region.

Contact us to start distributing our products

We will contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration
Distribution Model*

Tell us about your project

We will study your project and contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration

Contact us to start a strategic collaboration

We will contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration.

Contáctanos para empezar una colaboración estratégica

Te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración

Cuéntanos tu proyecto

Estudiaremos tu proyecto y te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración

Contáctanos para empezar distribuir nuestros productos

Te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración
Modelo de Distribución*