Plantation Marruecos

The Plantation Marruecos is focused on the following sectors:

  • Agricultural
  • Aquaculture
  • Livestock
  • Industrial
  • Tourism
  • Creative/Orange Economy

Infrastructure, Technologies, and Production Lines

  • Sugarcane cultivation
  • Fishponds for aquaculture
  • Advanced IPRS technologies with 4 cells and high genetics
  • Fish processing plant and high-tech transformation
  • High-tech fingerlings production plant
  • Meat processing and storage plant
  • Plant for food production from aquaculture and agribusiness activities
  • Nurseries
  • Dock for loading and unloading containers to trains and trucks
  • Hospitality

Products to be marketed by Macoproductos

  • Hotelería Turismo
  • Sugarcane
  • Catfish, Red Tilapia, Nile Tilapia, and their derivatives
  • Fingerlings
  • Sheep and their derivatives
  • Concentrates
  • Plants and trees
  • Hospitality and Tourism

Do you want to offer your customers high-quality, nutritious, and environmentally sustainable products?

Talk to us to find out how you can start distributing our products in your region.

Contact us to start distributing our products

We will contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration
Distribution Model*

Tell us about your project

We will study your project and contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration

Contact us to start a strategic collaboration

We will contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration.

Contáctanos para empezar una colaboración estratégica

Te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración

Cuéntanos tu proyecto

Estudiaremos tu proyecto y te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración

Contáctanos para empezar distribuir nuestros productos

Te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración
Modelo de Distribución*