Our Development Model

Ecological Agro-Industrial Cluster

Macoproducts has adopted an ecological agro-industrial cluster model that supports the environment, communities, and associations through the marketing of products from the Agricultural, Aquaculture, and Livestock sectors. These products are developed in different production lines for each of the organic raw materials. The goal is to ensure that processes carried out in laboratories, fields, cultivation, and organic agro-industrial processes in lakes, are done using best agricultural and manufacturing practices.

The project is also aimed at managing all resources in a way that meets economic and social needs while respecting the cultural integrity and the ecological processes, as well as the diversity of systems that support life on the planet. The project is applicable in regions where there is an ecological or environmental problem, whether current or future.

Working together with all stakeholders.

To achieve these results, Macoproductos is working closely with different stakeholders such as the government, academia, research centers in the agricultural and aquaculture sectors, communities, regional associations, suppliers, investors, and distributors of organic natural seeds in each region, as well as distributors of river species, sea aquaculture and their aquaculture technologies. Particularly with the government, we focus on international policies outlined in the Conpes document (3934) approved in 2018. Its green growth policy aims to propel the country towards 2030 with:
  • Social inclusion compatible with the climate
  • Increasing the country's productivity and competitiveness
  • Ensuring the sustainable use of natural wealth, where strategies, actions, and goals are in line with the principles of the Sustainability Pact of the National Development Plan (2018 – 2022).


To achieve our goals of equitable and ecological development, our suppliers, both plants and farms, must meet the following criteria:
  • Being located near a village or rural area with a young population that shows prospects for development alongside ecological progress.
  • The lands must be arable and/or recoverable.
  • There must be present an ecological problem: water pollution in lakes, desertification, poorly managed organic and biological waste, deforestation requiring reforestation, high risk in communities due to mismanagement of ecosystems, preparation of communities in ecological techniques and culture, support for vulnerable communities at an early age.
  • There must be existent groups, associations, and/or associated communities for project engagement
  • The work environment must be safe and/or have the presence of authorities in the region
  • It must have access to water
  • It must have means of transportation for people, raw materials, technologies, and products that allow for their entry and exit.
  • Allow for the organization of infrastructure for production in the countryside, in rural areas with warehouses, houses, bridges, and programs that support agritourism
  • Allow for the analysis of contaminating factors and/or environmental risks at an early stage and their possible solutions, security measures, and support for communities and associations.
  • HavePlan A and Plan B options for infrastructure and operations (Ecological Problems - Mine Safety - Unproductive Regions - Lack of Human and Technical Resources)
  • Possess studies for future products and technologies for the region, as well as for developing agro-industrial engineering, innovations, and investments supported by patents and other protection
  • Have raw materials with the potential for significant scientific, technological, healthy, and/or medicinal developments that contribute to social, economic, and environmental development by region and country.

Types of Products and Projects

Macoproductos is marketing both primary and derivative products, including precooked meals.
Primary Products

Cocoa - Coffee - Fruit - Vegetables, Herbs - Fish - Meat - Milk - Poultry
Derivative Products
Hot and cold beverages - Tea and Herbal teas - Oils - Confectionery - Bakery - Snacks - Canned products - Precooked meals
Complementary Projects
Fertilizers - Homeopathic and Biological Medicines - Renewable Energy - Concentrates (Feed) - Ecotourism - Research - Demountable Houses and Warehouses


Regarding the distribution and marketing of the selected products, Macoproductos is developing both franchise models and a network of independent distributors, including chains, specialized stores, and wholesalers in various countries.

Contact us to start distributing our products

We will contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration
Distribution Model*

Tell us about your project

We will study your project and contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration

Contact us to start a strategic collaboration

We will contact you to discuss the possibility of collaboration.

Contáctanos para empezar una colaboración estratégica

Te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración

Cuéntanos tu proyecto

Estudiaremos tu proyecto y te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración

Contáctanos para empezar distribuir nuestros productos

Te contactaremos para discutir la posibildad de una colaboración
Modelo de Distribución*